Saturday Morning Gather #74: Oh, how I love Spring

gath•er: to come together or bring together into one group, collection or place. 

Good Morning, and Happy Saturday! I’m so happy you could join me for Saturday Morning Gather today!

onion blooms

This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you purchase something through one of my links, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting my blog! You can read my full disclosure here.

Well, I did it again!

I got behind and missed posting yesterday. So, we’re having Saturday Morning Gather on Sunday.

Is anybody else wondering where 3 1/2 months of 2024 has gone??

It seems like the year is flying by, and I feel like we just celebrated New Year’s.

I have so many projects I wanted to accomplish by now, and a lot of them haven’t happened!

If you are new here, welcome.

Saturday Morning Gather is my weekly newsletter where I share what is going on at Vintage Home and also share inspiration and things I have found during the week that I think you might enjoy.

If you’ve been around a while, as always, I am so grateful to you! I truly appreciate you showing up and continuing to support my blog.

Gather round and grab your coffee or favorite morning drink of choice and let’s take a look at what’s been happening this week.

on the blog….

On the blog this week, I shared this easy table setting with a topiary centerpiece.

brown check tablecloth with brown pattern bunny plate green block print napkin gold flatware on cabbage leaf placemat at 6 place settings for spring table topiaries down center of table

I made most of these faux topiaries and they were my inspiration for this Spring table. You can see how easy it is to make your own topiaries with this easy tutorial.

faux topiary in clay pot

in other random news…

Oh, how I love the sights and smells of Spring!

The Iris and Cecile Brunner climbing rose are showing off, and I have a few peony blooms. The peonies are my fave but they don’t love Texas weather, so I don’t get more than a few blooms every year.

The wild honeysuckle is starting to open and in a few more days this entire hedgerow behind my house will be covered with the amazing smell of sweet honeysuckle.

I love cutting big bunches of it to bring inside the house and fill my favorite vases with this delightul scent.

On another note, I am headed to Key West on Monday morning to work on a design job. I have been there several times in the past year and will be making several more trips before the end of the year.

The weather will be warm and the water is always beautiful, but I am almost sad to leave all of the things blooming in my yard right now.

On a positive side, my daughter will be joining me this time to help with an install, so I’m looking forward to spending a few days with just the 2 of us to catch up.

All of the pics below are some that I have taken on previous trips.

Photo #1 – The water is spectacular and I am fortunate to have this view from the room where I stay.

Photo #2 – Key West sunsets do not disappoint!! Did you know Key West is the southermost point in the continental US?
The views of sunset are spectacular!

Photo #2 – I took this photo from the patio of a restaurant in Key West and it looks like something from a postcard.

and some other amazing things I found….

Honestly, I wasn’t very inspired this week with new things to share with you.

I feel like IG is hiding accounts that I love and that bring me inspiration and showing me everything I need to buy.

I’m kind of over the “Amazon Must Have” posts.

Don’t get me wrong, I certainly share things with you that I have an affiliate link for, which means sometimes I make a small commission if you purchase something from my link.

Did you know the affiliate links and ads on a blog site is how bloggers and IG content creators/influencers make money?

Those commissions are how I can support my blog and continue to do what I love and share it with you.

What I don’t want to do is become an account that is focused on selling you something and lose sight of why I started this blog in the first place.

Just so I am transparent, I will continue to share things with you occasionally that I may make a commission on, because they are things I really like.

I love sharing things with you that I find and think you might like too.

But, I will never share things that I don’t truly like, personally own, or am planning to purchase.

So, this week I am sharing some things that just brought me joy, and a new purchase I made for my kitchen that I am loving!!

this one is a beautiful space and wonderful message

an amazing setting and photos. I just picture myself sitting here and enjoying a meal…

a beautifully styled hutch with wallpaper…..

and wouldn’t you just love to sit here and enjoy morning coffee???

this precious cottage style bathroom….

and this rug runner I just purchased for my kitchen. It comes in a couple of other colors. Can you believe I chose blue?

blue block print pattern jute rug runner

I hope you found some inspiration at our Saturday Morning Gather today!

Join the Fun

If you’re not already a member of the Vintage Home family, I would love for you
to join me! You’ll get email updates so you don’t miss any ideas and inspiration
shared here on the blog.

have a blessed and wonderful Sunday,


And I would love for you to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.


  1. Michele
    I love your images from Key West. I’ve always want to go. I agree with you about IG. 🤦‍♀️

    1. Thank you Rachel!! And I wish we could get back to seeing content we actually want to see, and seeing beautiful and inspiring photos again.

  2. I really enjoyed your post today. Just in the last two weeks I ‘unsubscribed’ to two blogs that were nothing but shopping lists for things the author (maybe) bought. I enjoy reading about other activities not just purchasing ‘stuff’. Some of these blogs were just blatant lists of items. Thank you for pointing that out as well as actually making/doing/enjoying life-not just purchasing ‘stuff’. A person can only use so much stuff over time, right? Many thanks, friend.

    1. Oh, I am so glad you here that you enjoy the content! It brings me joy to know that what I am sharing is of value to my followers. Have a lovely week!

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