How to make a Heart Placemat from a Sweater

I was looking for something fun and different to use for a placemat for my Valentine’s tablescape. Since I couldn’t find anything I liked, I decided to make my own. I want to show you how to make a heart placemat from a sweater.

my inspiration

My inspiration came from the thrifted sweaters I used for chair slipcovers for my New Year’s Day tablescape.

I had purchased more than I ended up needing for the slipcovers, so I used them to make placemats. 1 sweater made 2 placemats. I used the front for one and the back for another.

directions for heart sweater placemat

You will need 1 sweater for every 2 placemats you want to make.

pattern for sweater place mat

I used a plate to determine the size I wanted my heart placemat to be.

I placed the plate in the center of my sweater and drew a rough sketch of the size I wanted.

sweater for making heart placemat

Next, I cut my sweater in half, separating the front from the back.

sweater for making heart placemat

Then, I removed the sleeves. Don’t discard the sleeves because there are other things you can do with those too.

sweater for making heart placemat

Fold the sweater in half and use the sketched half heart for your cutting guide.

options for making a heart pattern

If you don’t feel comfortable free handing a pattern, you can use a large piece of white paper. Fold it in half and cut half of a heart shape out. When you open it up, it will be a perfect heart shape. You can easily alter the shape a bit until you get the exact size you want.

heart shaped sweater placemat

I keep a roll of freezer paper on hand for larger projects like this.

The only purpose for the freezer paper in this project is the large size of the paper. A regular sheet of paper isn’t big enough.

heart shaped sweater placemat

The first sweater I used had a great cable knit pattern, but the second one didn’t have much pattern except the band around the bottom. So, I turned my heart pattern to incorporate the band for a little added character.

heart shaped sweater placemat

And, here it is! My finished heart shaped sweater placemats.

will you make one?

They were super easy to make, and my thrifted sweaters cost about $5 each. I got 2 placemats per sweater, so $2.50 per placemat is pretty reasonable, if you ask me.

Not to mention, they are quite unique. Take a look at my Galentine’s Day brunch tablescape to see how I incorporated these heart placemats.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial for how to make a heart placemat from a sweater. I would love to hear if you try it.


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  1. wow…great idea…but what is the freezer paper for??? thank you for all the ideas on your site…thx

    1. It is just larger paper that I can use for bigger patterns. A regular size sheet of paper wasn’t large enough to make this heart pattern out of, so I keep a roll of freezer paper on hand for those larger projects.

  2. This is such a great idea! And then you can make sweater pumpkins with the sleeves!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing sweet friend!!

      Happy Saturday!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing sweet friend!!

  3. Cute idea!! I like using white sweaters for all kinds of things and the thrift stores have loads of them.

    1. Thank you! They are so easy an inexpensive to make!

  4. Such a cute idea! Love it 💗

    1. Thank you Lynn! It was fun to make these for my Valentine’s table.

    1. It’s amazing what you can find at the thrift store! I had fun looking for ones with some detail.

  5. Super cute idea!! How simple and inexpensive. An extra idea I had was that you could sew a skinny lace ribbon detailing around the edges! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Oh, I love that idea! So glad you liked it!

  6. Michele,
    This is so cute and cozy for winter. I’m sharing on Dirt Road Adventures on Sunday. Thanks for all your inspiration.

    1. Aww, thanks so much for sharing it Rachel! So glad you liked it!

    1. Oh, thanks so much! So glad you liked it. Happy Weekend!

    1. Oh, thanks so much Kim!! So glad you like it and I really appreciate the kind words and the feature.

    1. Thank you! So simple and fun to make..

  7. What a creative idea! I also love how you folded your napkin into a Valentine’s card! Donna

    1. Thanks so much! So glad you enjoyed the post, and I appreciate you following along and commenting!

  8. Thank you for linking up to Whimsy Home Wednesday and sharing your project with us. I’m loving your sweater placemats – they are a wonderful “fifth sparrow-d no more” project! You are very talented Michele!

    1. Thanks so much Kristin! I really appreciate that.

    1. I just added it to my calendar and thanks so much for the invite! Have a great weekend!

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